Collection: Orthocera

Orthoceras, also known as the "straight clam", is a 400 million-year-old year-old fossil consisting of a fossil nautiloid shell shell. It was one of the first organisms to have an internal skeleton and is one of the first cephalopods, the direct ancestors of modern octopuses, squids and nautiluses.

In a metaphysical sense, Orthoceras fossils have a connection with the past and the concept of time. These stones can help us remember our personal and collective past, and revive old knowledge and learning. They can help us understand our evolutionary journey and our place in it.

Orthoceras fossils can promote transformation. They remind us that we are in a constant process of change and evolution, and that the circumstances of our lives are temporary and ever-changing. They can help us embrace these changes with an open heart and mind.

Orthoceras fossils are also a strong protective stone. They can help protect us from negative energy and stress, and can help us maintain energy balance and stability during a time when our lives are full of change.

Orthoceras fossils can promote personal growth and development. They can help us discover our true powers and strengths, and they can help us express our uniqueness and individuality.

Ultimately, Orthoceras fossils may help us connect with our higher consciousness. They can help us open our minds to new ideas and perspectives, and they can help us develop a deeper understanding of our place in this world.

Orthoceras fossils are not only a historical relic, but also a powerful metaphysical tool. They can help us remember our past, embrace change, protect us from negative energy, promote personal growth and development, and help us connect with our higher consciousness. This stone is an excellent choice for those seeking deeper self-knowledge and harmony with their life journey.

Orthocera -

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