Collection: Fulgurite

Fulgurite, sometimes called "Thunder Glass" (not to be confused with the over-body, the action of the soul, the ancient Lithuanian "God"), is a unique mineral that is formed when a thunderbolt hits sand or another substrate. This incredible natural phenomenon leaves us with a powerful stone that is not only impressive for its appearance, but also for its metaphysical properties.

One of the first and foremost characteristics that many will notice is Fulgurite's association with energy and power. This stone is directly related to the power of thunder, which means that it can be characterized by an intense flow of energy. Fulgurite can be used as a powerful tool for energy cleansing and renewal. It can help remove old, negative energies and replace them with new, vibrant energies.

Also, due to its unique origin story, fulgurite is considered a great symbol of the connection between earth and heaven. It can help create a strong connection with the universe and help you open your mind to higher levels of consciousness. It is especially useful for those seeking deeper spiritual awareness or working with angelic or spirit powers.

Fulgurite can also help strengthen intuition and inner vision. It can help open your third eye and promote clairvoyance, helping you better understand your inner signals and intuitive knowledge. This can be especially helpful for those working with meditation, dream interpretation, or other spiritual practices.

While Fulgurite is a powerful and strong stone, it can also help create a sense of calm and peace. It can help you disconnect from the noise of the outside world and find an oasis of inner peace. This is especially important in today's fast-paced world, where stress and change can often throw us off our true path.

Ultimately, Fulgurite is a stone that can help you connect with your true nature and unlock your true potential. It can help you recognize your uniqueness and uniqueness, and give you the courage to follow your dreams and aspirations despite the challenges.

Fulguritas -

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